Make Your Own Anxiety-Free Zone


Making time each day for stress-reducing rituals can positively contribute to managing anxiety. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to the increase in individuals experiencing anxiety across the globe (an estimated 275 million to be exact). The rise of anxiety highlights the importance of finding more balance in this fast-paced modern world. Anxiety is a condition which I have been managing over the last decade. It is something that doesn’t necessarily go away, but can be greatly improved when it’s managed. If you are experiencing anxiety, it’s important to seek support from a qualified health professional.

Here are a few of my favourite stress-relieving rituals for increasing the calm in your life, and finding more balance:

  1. Bubble bath and a Book

    Calm your mind and dive into your favourite book, in a relaxing bubble bath! Add a cup of Epsom salts to your bath for added benefits of soaking in magnesium. Epsom salts have shown to help reduce stress and relieve muscle tension.


2. Essential Oils

Add a few drops of calming essential oils to your diffuser. A few of my favourites are lavender, jasmine and rose. Or, visit an aromatherapist for a customised blend!


3. Fresh Air

Studies have shown the benefits of fresh air, and the scent of flowers for reducing stress anxiety. If you are feeling overwhelmed, step out into nature and notice the beauty in the simple things.


4. Surround yourself with Inspiration

Surround yourself with things that make you feel inspired or joyful. Whether it be your friends, family, pets, cooking your favourite dish, strawberry picking, visiting new places or setting new challenges for yourself. Anxiety and stress can cloud you from seeing the inspiration in life that is right in front of you. Make time each day to do something that inspires you.


5. Calming Tea

Cut back on the caffeine, or swap your coffee for a calming herbal tea. Sit back and enjoy a cuppa and a chat with a loved one. A few of my favourite calming teas are Holy basil (Tulsi), Lavendar and Chamomile.


6. Self-care Ritual

Make time to take care for yourself. Fill your body with nutrients and foods that give you energy. Enjoy a daily skincare ritual, nourishing face mask or weekly massage.


7. House Plants

House plants have shown to help reduce stress, lift your mood and also help to create a calming sanctuary. Add more plants to your home for their mood-boosting benefits to help create an anxiety-free zone.


P.s Don’t be afraid to share how you are feeling with your loved ones or seek professional help if you are stuck in a mental rut, anxious or struggling with your mental health.



Bec van den Elzen

Rebecca van den Elzen is a qualified Nutritionist BHSc (nut med), Health and Nutrition Coach (cert. Nutrition & Diet) and Wellness Blogger.

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