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As a teenager, I saw many doctors and dietitians to try and get to the bottom of my recurrent digestion issues and food intolerances. Around age 5, my mum took me to the doctor for constantly crying with stomach pains. The doctor assured mum that there was nothing wrong with my digestive system, my complaints were dismissed as crying for attention, and we were sent on our merry way. Little did we discover years later, and after seeing multiple specialists that I had IBS.

During my teens and early 20’s I began to develop unhealthy eating patterns. I would end up binge eating instead of sitting with my emotions, which was always followed by the guilt and then restriction, and the ‘I’m back on the diet starting Monday’ declaration that never seemed to stick.

Now in my 30’s, my views have changed and I have a whole new appreciation for my body. My approach to nutrition is more gentle, my beliefs around food have changed for the better, and after years of slowly working to heal my gut I don’t experience food intolerances to the severity that they once were. By taking more of a relaxed approach to food, I now focus on counting nutrients rather than calories. Calorie counting has it’s benefits, especially if you are trying to meet a specific. weight loss goal, but I find it’s not as sustainable over the long term as it is when you learn how to cook balanced meals and choose foods based on their nutritional value.

Listening to our bodies and considering how we feel after eating different foods is the best way to learn what works for you and what doesn’t.

When I started to listen to my body and notice how it reacted after eating specific foods, I began to feel better in so many ways! My moods changed, my skin was clear and I no longer had stomach pains or bloating.

After experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms for as long as I can remember, being diagnosed with IBS/food intolerances and PCOS, I developed a passion for nutrition and learning about how the foods we eat affect our bodies. This lead me to complete a health coaching course. Following this, I wanted to gain a deeper understanding, and after 3.5 years at university I completed a Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional Medicine). *See cheesy graduation photo below!

Health is so much more than just the foods we eat. While there are so many wellness trends that come and go, I have found the best way to try and live a healthier lifestyle is to start by building healthy habits. It could take months, or even years, but making small changes to your day-to-day can result in big, positive changes to your life over the years to come!

I hope the information on this site will inspire you to listen to your body and find your healthy balance.

Bec xx



I am forever on the lookout for new ingredients, recipes and sources of inspiration to share. As a great believer in collaboration and the power of collective action, I welcome the opportunity to align with others on the same journey.

If you are a health + wellness expert and would like to share a recipe or do a guest post -  I would love to hear from you! Please email me for more information and contributor guidelines.

If I can offer recipe development, food styling, etc etc or simply share in your positive thoughts, I’d love to hear from you.

Please fill out the contact form below or email:      


Media Kit: on request