10 Amazing Health Benefits of Bee Pollen


Bee Pollen is flower pollen that honey bees collect for their food and energy. It is one of natures greatest superfoods and contains more protein than any other animal source of the same amount, as well as B vitamins and folic acid. 

Bee pollen is a fantastic source of protein with many health benefits definitely worth adding to your diet! I have 1-2 teaspoons daily on my breakfast or in smoothies.

Sold in all good Health Food stores. It tastes delicious and with all the health benefits its hard to miss, give it a try you wont regret it!


Health benefits of Bee pollen:

1. Improves energy levels - the proteins, carbohydrates and B vitamins keep you fuller for longer and sustain energy.

2. Soothes skin - Bee pollen can be used topically for inflammatory skin conditions (including eczema).

3. High in antioxidants

4. Aids digestion - bee pollen contains enzymes that can aid digestion which assist the body in getting nutrients from food sources.

5. Weight control - stimulates metabolic processes and suppresses cravings.

6. Supports fertility - stimulates ovarian function

7. Can be used as a remedy for hay fever allergies when taken 6 weeks before the seasons begins and continually through the season.

8. Prevents premature aging and provides a biological 'glow' - Bee pollen stimulates the growth of new skin tissue.

9. Can help suppress facial acne - rejuvenates skin and contains a high concentration of nucleic acids RNA and DNA as well as a natural antibiotic factor. 

10. Assists the cardiovascular system - Bee pollen contains large amounts of Rutin (an antioxidant bioflavonoid that helps strengthen capillaries and blood vessels) which helps correct cholesterol levels and may help prevent a heart attack or stroke.


Bec van den Elzen

Rebecca van den Elzen is a qualified Nutritionist BHSc (nut med), Health and Nutrition Coach (cert. Nutrition & Diet) and Wellness Blogger. 


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