My Favourite Nutrients for Healthy Hair


Providing your body with nutrients to support healthy hair growth is just as important as booking in for your regular hair cut!

Nutrition plays a key role in maintaining and supporting luscious locks, as vitamin and mineral deficiencies can contribute to hair loss, making it important to ensure your body is getting an adequate intake of micronutrients.

Here are my favourite nutrients to support healthy, strong hair growth:

1. Zinc

I like to refer to zinc as the ultimate all-round beauty supplement. It is a trace mineral responsible for a number of functions in the body, and plays a major role in the growth of skin, hair and nails. It’s important to choose a high quality zinc supplement, or increase your zinc intake by eating more whole-food sources. Natural sources of zinc include: oysters, pepitas, grass-fed meat, legumes and eggs.

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to hair loss, as it plays a role in stimulating hair follicles to promote hair growth. To avoid negative effects of a vitamin D deficiency, ensure you are adding more vitamin D foods to your plate and spending more time out in the sunshine. Opt for foods including; salmon, eggs, mushrooms and Brazil nuts.

3. Iodine

Hair loss has shown to occur alongside iodine deficiency and thyroid conditions. Iodine plays a major role in the maintenance and growth of strong, healthy hair. Too much, and too little iodine can cause complications for human health, due to its effects on thyroid function. Iodine can be found naturally in kelp/seaweed, eggs, fish and seafood.

4. Vitamin C

Alongside zinc, vitamin C is an important antioxidant that plays a role in the synthesis of collagen in the body. Collagen is a protein which contributes to hair growth and healthy roots. Vitamin C also supports the body in absorbing iron (bonus!). Food sources of vitamin C include; citrus fruits, kiwi fruits, strawberries and broccoli.

5. Iron

Iron deficiency can be a common cause of hair loss. To avoid this negative symptom, make sure you body is getting enough iron. This is particularly important for those who follow a plant-based or meat-free diet. Sources of iron include; grass-fed beef, leafy greens, lentils, chia seeds, and nuts + seeds.


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