All About Wellness by Bec van den Elzen

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5 Minutes With Renae Ayris

All About Health caught up with the former Miss Universe Australia, who is now an ambassador for Solar D sunscreen. Renae lets us in on her favourite ways to workout, day on a plate and what she loves about Solar D, the world’s first Vitamin D enhancing sunscreen.

1. Why do you believe it's important to be sun smart?

Where do I begin.... It is so important to be sun smart! It is very important to protect yourself from skin cancer because skin cancers account for around 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers in Australia. From the beauty side of it you want to protect your skin from ageing as much as you can. But the sun also has a lot of goodness in it and it is equally important to get daily exposure to the sun for many other health reasons. Being sun smart for me means balance.

2. What do you love about Solar D?

I love the fact that I can protect myself from the sun’s harmful rays and still get the good stuff - Vitamin D, into my body.

3. What is your typical day on a plate?

I wake up and have a cup of green tea and a bowl of oats made with coconut water. Then at around 10.30am I will have some Greek yogurt with fresh berries. For lunch I will usually have a tuna salad or a gluten free sandwich.

At about 2/3pm I will have a green smoothie. At 5pm I will usually have some carrots & celery with hummus. Then for dinner I will have a stir fry with some sort of protein. Then for dessert a few squares of dark chocolate or some strawberries.

4. What is your favourite way to work out (and how many times per week)?

My favourite way to work out at the moment is with a group of girlfriends. We do a circuit (usually with weights) and have lots of fun doing it. I like to change up my workouts as often as I can.

I like to do Barre Body every now and then and also some reformer pilates. I also really enjoy walking, especially if I have a beautiful view to look at - it puts my mind at ease. I try to do a work out with weights 2-3 times a week then at least 30 min of exercise every other day, even if it's just brisk walking.

5. What is your favourite food? 

Am I allowed to say chocolate!?!