All About Wellness by Bec van den Elzen

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7 Secrets to Staying Healthy in Winter

Blankets, hearty meals, warm socks, cosy fires and hot chocolates. Who wouldn't want to curl up in their pj's all day?

It's that time of the year again! - winter


Personally I love summer and being in warm weather, however I have don't mind the cooler weather (as long as there is a heater nearby). Sticking to health goals can become a little difficult when our natural instinct is to curl up in front of the fire place!

Here are a few quick tips to help stick to your health goals, and maintain a healthy weight during the cooler months.

1. Swap a dense hot chocolate for a refreshing herbal tea 

2. Warm up with fresh vegetable soup

Make a double batch and store it in the fridge for a few days. Soup is a great way to fill up on nutrients without any heavy carbohydrates.

3. Prepare nutritious high protein snacks

Bliss balls or a handful of nuts are great, and can be kept in your hand bag if you are feeling peckish.

4. Exercise

I know it's cold outside, but going for (at least) a 30 minute walk each day may help you regain that summertime motivation and get your body moving. Alternatively, go to a gym class if you prefer to be indoors.

5. Avoid comfort eating

Ask yourself if you are actually feeling hungry, avoid eating just to pass time or to cure boredom.

6. Take a multi-vitamin

Take a good quality multi or an echinacea supplement to prevent being hit with a cold or flu.

7. Avoid buying take away meals or eating fast food

A home cooked meal could be the key to maintaining a healthy weight during winter, especially if you are not sticking to your normal exercise regime. Fill your body up with a nourishing hearty meal to enjoy with loved ones, instead of opting for take away.

Bec xx